Advokatlaget Notary public

Attorney Nicolaus Rubensson and Legal Assistant Magnus Forshufvud are appointed notary public.
We have an open reception at Advokatlaget’s offices in Stockholm and Södertälje.
We can help you quick and easy no matter where you are located in Sweden.

Telephone hours 8-17 on weekdays.
Email other times and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Authorized stamp on a document certifying the authenticity of a signature.

400 kr

Legalization of signatures for companies and individuals.

from 400 kr


Certification of the copy when the original is presented.

400 kr

For other services,
contact us for price information.

Questions and answers about notary public

Notary public is an appointment that the county council can make to a person with a law degree. Most commonly, a lawyer is a notary public. This is provided for, inter alia, in the Law on Notaries(Law 1981:1363). Another important provision is the Regulation (1982:327) on notaries.

One of the tasks of a notary public is to help the public verify and certify the truth of various information. This may include, for example, certifying the accuracy of a signature.

You can use a notary to help you with, among other things, the following:

  • To prove signatures, transcripts, translations and other information on the content of documents.
  • To be present as a witness when lockers are closed or opened or when seals are applied or broken.
  • To control lottery draws and to draw or cancel bonds, shares or other securities.
  • Taking declarations on matters of legal or economic importance, and then submitting the declarations to third parties.
  • To confirm that an authority or person is authorized.
  • Taking certain official actions or having a certain position or competence or being authorized to represent someone else.
  • To issue an apostille. An authorized stamp on a document certifying the authenticity of the signature on the document.
  • Inscriptions. When legalizing signatures. Where a signature is to be witnessed, the document must be signed in our office. If you are signing a document, you must come to the office and bring a valid ID document with you.
  • Photocopies. When legalizing photocopies, where copies need to be certified, the original must be brought to our office. We then make the copy on the spot and certify it.
  • Adoption documents. If you have adoption documents that need to be certified, you should submit them to us. It then takes between one and three days to process the case. Bring the instructions you received from the adoption agency to the meeting with us.
  • Signature of the authorized signatory. When a signatory’s signature is to be legalized, you must have a register extract from the Swedish Companies Registration Office showing who has the right to sign. For a fee, we can also produce this register extract.
  • Powers of attorney, life certificates and affidavits. In some powers of attorney, e.g. affidavits, there is information about the authorizer, and these must be certified by a notary public. To prove what is stated in the power of attorney, you should bring a certificate, such as your passport or an extract from the Swedish Tax Agency.

Price for notary services:

  • Apostille: 400 kr (Cost of legalization will be added for documents not issued by an authority).
  • Certification of a photocopy when the original is presented: 400 kr.
  • Legalization of signatories’ signatures: One name 400 kr, two names 500 kr.
  • Legalization of signatures for private individuals: 400 kr.
  • Other prices by agreement.