Notarization of signature

Attorney Nicolaus Rubensson and Legal Assistant Magnus Forshufvud are appointed notary public.
We have an open reception at Advokatlaget’s offices in Stockholm and Södertälje.
but can help you quick and easy no matter where you are located in Sweden.

Do you need help getting a signature certified?

We assist you in witnessing all types of signatures and ensure that your documents are provided with the right stamps such as apostille for use abroad.

We charge 400 kr per notarization and/or apostille.

It is important that the person signing the document does so in front of the notary and carries valid identification.
If you have difficulties getting to our office, call us and we will find a solution.

Various documents where signatures are witnessed


Acting in another person’s name on behalf of another person, such as general power of attorney, special power of attorney, power of attorney, future power of attorney, power of attorney to act, power of attorney to announce, power of attorney to tolerate, power of attorney to combine, power of attorney to be next of kin,

Travel authorisation

Consent for passports and national ID cards for minors


Schengen visa application for persons wishing to invite relatives and friends from abroad

Company documents

Certify the signature of the signatory.


Agreements and contracts of various kinds


If you need help writing the document, such as a power of attorney or a travel consent, we can help you. Contact us for instructions on what information we need.